Devote to high quality product

Combined with our machining and manufacturing, we also offer a print service for every client. Let the homebrewing commence!

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Professional production guaranteed Professional production guaranteed

Saw machine operation

With saw machining equipment we quickly and efficiently cut down our parts to ideal dimensions. Our team of expert saw machine operators have worked in their roles for many years.

metal shapping

CNC machine operation

CNC machines can help us to achieve precise and complex metal shapes and avoid faults. This not only helps us to deliver great home brewing products for our customers and satisfy special demand, but it also accelerates the speed of delivery.

CNC machine operation
Drill machine operation

Drill machine operation

In some cases, for less complex shapes and designs, we use drill machines to simplify the production process.


Semi-product polishing

We take rough metal parts from our smelter supplier and transform them into pristine new home brewing parts with our polishing machine. Your product will always look ready for the brew.

Semi-product Polishing


We don’t just build and polish our parts; we also complete the entire assembly process. Our assembly process adheres to a strict set of rules and every part must pass inspection for fit and size. The inspection includes observing the alignment of fitting connection and thread line smoothness, etc.


Private label service

We make sure that every product has the necessary logos according to your requirements. We can also print instructions on the product if needed, depending on the project.

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Private Label Service
Sealability Testing

Sealability testing

Home brewing products always need to have sealability. For products that require a quality test, we carry out an inspection before shipping.

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